Most of my preprints can be found on arXiv. Published papers can be found on MathSciNet.

Publications and Preprints in Algebraic Geometry

  1. Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, and Lu Qi, ACC for local volumes, arXiv:2408.15090 [arXiv]
  2. Paolo Cascini, Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, Fanjun Meng, Calum Spicer, Roberto Svaldi, and Lingyao Xie, Minimal model program for algebraically integrable adjoint foliated structures, arXiv:2408.14258 [arXiv]
  3. Guodu Chen, Jingjun Han, and Wenfei Liu, On the Iitaka volumes of log canonical surfaces and threefolds, arXiv:2407.07391 [arXiv]
  4. Jingjun Han, Junpeng Jiao, Mengchu Li, and Jihao Liu, Volume of algebraically integrable foliations and locally stable families, arXiv:2406.16604 [arXiv]
  5. Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, and Qingyuan Xue, On the equivalence between the effective adjunction conjectures of Prokhorov-Shokurov and of Li, arXiv:2312.15397 [arXiv]
  6. Guodu Chen, Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, and Lingyao Xie, Minimal model program for algebraically integrable foliations and generalized pairs, arXiv:2309.15823 [arXiv], 137 pages.
  7. Guodu Chen, Jingjun Han, and Jihao Liu, On effective log Iitaka fibrations and existence of complements, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2024, no. 10, 8329--8349. [Journal] [arXiv]
  8. Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, On termination of flips and exceptionally non-canonical singularities, arXiv:2209.13122 [arXiv], 64 pages, to appear in Geometry \& Topology.
  9. Guodu Chen, Jingjun Han, and Jihao Liu, Uniform rational polytopes for Iitaka dimensions, to appear in LMS Lecture Notes, the special volume in honor of Professor Shokurov's seventieth birthday. [arXiv]
  10. Guodu Chen, Jingjun Han, and Qingyuan Xue, Boundedness of complements for log Calabi-Yau threefolds, Peking Math. J., 7, 1--33, 2024. [Journal]
  11. Jingjun Han, Chen Jiang, Birational boundedness of rationally connected log Calabi--Yau pairs with fixed index, to appear in Algebr. Geom. Phys., arXiv:2204.04946 [arXiv]
  12. Jingjun Han, Yujie Luo, A simple proof of ACC for minimal log discrepancies for surfaces, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 40, 425--434, 2024. [Journal]
  13. Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, and Yujie Luo, ACC for minimal log discrepancies of terminal threefolds, arXiv: 2202.05287, [arXiv]
  14. Jingjun Han, Chen Jiang, and Yujie Luo, Shokurov's conjecture on conic bundles with canonical singularities, Forum Math. Sigma 10 (2022), Paper No. e38, 24 pp. [Journal][arXiv]
  15. Jingjun Han, Yuchen Liu, and Lu Qi, ACC for local volumes and boundedness of singularities, J. Algebraic Geom. 32 (2023), 519--583. [Journal][arXiv]
  16. Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, On effective birationality for sub-pairs, Internat. J. Math. 34 (2023), no. 6, Paper No. 2350029, 23 pp. [Journal][arXiv]
  17. Jingjun Han, Yujie Luo, On boundedness of divisors computing minimal log discrepancies for surfaces, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 22(6), 2907--2930, 2023. [Journal][arXiv]
  18. Guodu Chen, Jingjun Han, Boundedness of $(\epsilon,n)$-complements for surfaces, Adv. Math. 383 (2021), Paper No. 107703, 40 pp. [Journal][arXiv]
  19. Jingjun Han, Wenfei Liu, On a generalized canonical bundle formula for generically finite morphisms, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 71 (2021) no. 5, 2047--2077. [Journal][arXiv]
  20. Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, and Joaquin Moraga, Bounded deformations of $(\epsilon,\delta)$-log canonical singularities. J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 27 (2020), no. 1, 1--28. [Journal][arXiv]
  21. Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, and V.V. Shokurov, ACC for minimal log discrepancies of exceptional singularities, arXiv:1903.04338, submitted, 74 pages. [arXiv]
  22. Jingjun Han, Zhan Li, On accumulation points of pseudo-effective thresholds, manuscripta mathematica, 165, 537--558, 2021. [Journal][arXiv]
  23. Jingjun Han, Wenfei Liu, On Numerical Nonvanishing for Generalized Log Canonical Pairs, Documenta Mathematica, 25, 93--123 (2020). [Journal][arXiv]
  24. Jingjun Han, Zhan Li, Weak Zariski decompositions and log terminal models for generalized polarized pairs, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 302, 707--741, 2022. [Journal][arXiv]
  25. Weichung Chen, Gabriele Di Cerbo, Jingjun Han, Chen Jiang, and Roberto Svaldi, Birational boundedness of rationally connected Calabi-Yau 3-folds, Adv. Math. 378 (2021), 107541, 32pp. [Journal][arXiv]
  26. Christopher D. Hacon, Jingjun Han. On a connectedness principle of Shokurov-Koll\'{a} r type. Science China Mathematics, 2019(3), 62, 411--416. [Journal][arXiv]
  27. Jingjun Han, Zhan Li, and Lu Qi. ACC for log canonical threshold polytopes, American Journal of Mathematics, 143(3), 681--714, 2021. [Journal][arXiv]
  28. Jingjun Han, Zhan Li, On Fujita's conjecture for pseudo-effective thresholds, Math. Res. Lett., 27(2), 377--396, 2020. [Journal][arXiv]

Publications in Symbolic Computation (Computer Algebra)

  1. Jingjun Han. Multivariate Discriminant and Iterated Resultant. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 32: 659--667, 2016. [Journal] [arXiv]
  2. Jingjun Han, Liyun Dai, Hoon Hong, Bican Xia. Open Weak CAD and Its Applications. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 80, 785--816, 2017. [Journal] [arXiv]
  3. Jingjun Han, Bican Xia, Zhi Jin. Proving inequalities and solving global optimization problems via simplified CAD projection. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 72: 209--230, 2016. [Journal] [arXiv]
  4. Jingjun Han, Liyun Dai, Bican Xia, Constructing Fewer Open Cells by GCD Computation in CAD Projection. Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. Pages 240--247, ACM, 2014. [Journal] [arXiv]
  5. 韩京俊,基于差分代换的正半定型判定完备方法, 北京大学学报, 2013 (49):545-551. (Jingjun Han, A Complete Method Based on Successive Difference Substitution Method for Deciding Positive Semi-definiteness of Polynomials, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2013(49): 545--551. (in Chinese)) [Journal]
  6. Jingjun Han, Simple Quantifier-free Formula of Positive Semidefinite Cyclic Ternary Quartic Forms [book] [arXiv], Computer Mathematics, 9th Asian Symposium (ASCM2009), Fukuoka, December 2009, 10th Asian Symposium (ASCM2012), Beijing, October 2012, Contributed Papers and Invited Talks, Ruyong Feng, Wen-shin Lee, Yosuke Sato Eds, 261--274, Springer, 2014.


  1. Jingjun Han, Algebraic Inequality: Proving methods (in Chinese), China University of Science and Technology Press, China, 2023 (360 pp.). 韩京俊,《代数不等式--证明方法》,中国科学技术大学出版社(54万字)
  2. Jingjun Han, Singularities and the Minimal Model Program (in Chinese), China Academic Journal (CD) Electronic Publishing House Co., Ltd., Beijing, China, 2021 (90 pp.). 韩京俊,《奇点与极小模型纲领》,《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》电子杂志社有限公司(98千字)
  3. Jingjun Han, An introduction to the proving of elementary inequalities (in Chinese), Harbin Institute of Technology Press, China, 2011 (2nd, 2014, 343 pp.). 韩京俊,《初等不等式的证明方法》,哈尔滨工业大学出版社(第二版,42万字)


  1. Jingjun Han, Chen Jiang Effective birationality and special BAB, contributed to the volume of Singularities, Linear Systems and Fano Varieties (on the BAB conjecture), C. Birkar and J.A. Chen (eds).
  2. A description of my works.
  3. 韩京俊, 天才之外——教主韦东奕小传, 《NSMath数学新星网》微信公众号,[链接]
  4. 韩京俊, 我眼中的菲尔兹奖得主比尔卡 —— 兼谈极小模型纲领与 BAB 猜想:初稿发表于《赛先生》微信公众号, [链接],修订稿发表于刘建亚、汤涛主编的《数学文化》,9 (2018), pp. 33-40.


Paolo Cascini, Guodu Chen, Weichung Chen, Liyun Dai, Gabriele Di Cerbo, Christopher Hacon, Yang He, Hoon Hong, Chen Jiang, Junpeng Jiao, Zhi Jin, Mengchu Li, Zhan Li, Jihao Liu, Wenfei Liu, Yuchen Liu, Yujie Luo, Fanjun Meng, Joquin Moraga, Lu Qi, Calum Spicer, V.V Shokurov, Roberto Svaldi, Bican Xia, Lingyao Xie, Qingyuan Xue

My Erdos Number = 4

P. Erdős --> P. Pálfy --> S. Kovács --> C.D. Hacon --> J. Han

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